This series is made up of the classic ceramic tile size, measuring 10 by 10 cm, a format that was widely used in the past.
Planting a seed
This love scene arises from a positive view of the grind. Something we do every day or once a month or maybe once a year.
Two buddies connecting
No matter how far apart we are. There will be more stability when we are together. One cannot do without the other.
High table tea
You are the product of your own training
Everyone gets into a rut sometimes. Doing the same thing every day and experiencing no change. The word "rut" has a negative connotation.
Plant a Hand
For anyone who just wants to get a flower every day. Like being pampered every day. Hang it on the wall and fill it with a dried flower. Switch whenever you want. Carefully made by hand. That's why it will never be the same.